Five years ago, four planes were hijacked and crashed and three buildings were damaged and destroyed and upwards of 3000 people died. It was a big event. It has been said often this week that “911 changed everything.” But did that event change everything, or was it our responses to that event that changed everything? If the first is true, then I believe we have already lost the “war on terror”, for if all it takes is for these acts to be committed and everything changes, then the power rests with those who commit the acts. But if the responsibility …
A great tune from oldseed a Winnipeg songwriter who tours around constantly. He’ll be in Vancouver and Bowen Island soon. Go catch him if you can. He’ll be here on Bowen Island on September 22. Contact me if you want more information. Dig the crazy harmonies at the end of this song…amazing passion there. mp3: Oldseed – If you’ve got nothing but light, let it shine
Just a poem that came to me today, a day in which I’m opening space here in Prince George: The sense of things I have seen the texture of space felt the sound of silence, falling in a wide open offering tasted hesitancy and the sweetness of light touching time we sense into the most astonishing places together, you and I into the tight cracking of possibility screaming for release we let the humour of despair rest on our tongues, choke our eyes with tears and scour our nostrils with tendrils of acrid smoke. we walk together in circles dizzy …
Well, it’s been over a week since I linked to Alex’s post and unwittingly started a movement. For those of you following along, I was interviewed for a National Post article on the weekend and since then the phone has been ringing off the hook. I’ve done some talk radio and I have CTV Edmonton chasing me around BC, trying to get me on camera. This week I’m in Prince George, working at my real job, running a World Cafe and an Open Space meeting for the Urban Aboriginal Strategy in British Columbia. But many people are calling and emailing …
Last week I was working with a team of business school professors meeting in their annual retreat to plan their teaching for an integrated introduction to their MBA program. The professors themselves come from all facets of the business world: logistics, accounting, organizational behaviour, ethics, marketing. The often use the terms “hard” and “soft” skills, but only in reference to the stereotypes they are trying to confront in their students. It’s always interesting to me to see where “hard” and “soft” skills blur, because in practice they truly do blur. In general “hard” skills refer to those practices in business …