That Voodoo You Do · Flow: Get into the Zone at Work We’ve all had the experience where we’ve become so completely absorbed in our work that time flies by, the outside world is a million miles away, and our talents flow freely. These episodes can be deeply gratifying, and some of our best work comes out (tags: flow) Freedom of Voice (tags: conversation) Conscious Conversation – by Peggy Holman Peggy’s first column on process as an evolutionary nexus. (tags: facilitation evolution consciousness) — From Weblog to CMS with WordPress (tags: wordpress design hacks)
Christy Lee Engle has posted a beautiful pair of quotes on sacred conversation. There is so much goodness in it that i republish it here for your edification.: Peggy Holman recently posted a beautiful article called “Evolution, Process and Conversation: A Foundation for Conscious Evolutionary Agency” to the Open Space listserv, originally written for the Evolutionary Life e-magazine. In it, she wonders/suggests: “Could it be that consciousness is the latest evolutionary innovation that, when applied to conversation, catalyzes a new form of social system, the conscious co-creative collective, the radiant network of deep community? I believe that conscious …
I shot this photo yesterday, and it needs a caption. Feel free to click through to the flickr page and leave one in the comments. Update: Siona wins: Rover knew his liberty came at a cost, but it was worth it. He was his own dog. After years of oppression, he could get up on the furniture. And he wanted to world to know. [tags]free couch hellhound[/tags]
The American Scholar – A New Theory of the Universe – By Robert Lanza Our science fails to recognize those special properties of life that make it fundamental to material reality. This view of the world–biocentrism–revolves around the way a subjective experience, which we call consciousness, relates to a physical proces (tags: philosophy toread biology physics science systems theory universe life) Before i Forget » EVERYONE LOVES ‘LITTLE BECKY’ (tags: Little Becky)