Friends Juanita Brown, Tom Atlee, Peggy Holman and others have started a new blog called Conversation as a co-evolutionary force which is looking at the underlying patterns of conversation as a pathway to conscious evolution. It’s worth a look and will be well worth a read.
The Wayfarers by Rupert Brooke Is it the hour? We leave this resting-place Made fair by one another for a while. Now, for a god-speed, one last mad embrace; The long road then, unlit by your faint smile. Ah! the long road! and you so far away! Oh, I’ll remember! but . . . each crawling day Will pale a little your scarlet lips, each mile Dull the dear pain of your remembered face. . . . Do you think there’s a far border town, somewhere, The desert’s edge, last of the lands we know, Some gaunt eventual limit of …
IEEE Spectrum: Apollo 13, We Have a Solution A fantastic article detailing what went in to the process to save the crew of Apollo 13. (tags: history science collaboration apollo13) YouTube – 我虽æ»åŽ»Though I am Gone1/10 This is a documentary about the first female principal beaten to death by the Red Guards in the beginning of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. (tags: video china documentary) Che Guevara Archive A library, speeches, images and more (tags: decolonization) Incoming! KaosPilots! :: News :: An article about some friends that are working their butts off in Vancouver. Bill McKibben says …
Get thee to Nanaimo on April 28 if you are interested in meeting with other Open Space process artists! If you have taken the Art of Hosting, Open Space practice workshops, or are a current or future Open Space wizard you should know that Wendy Farmer-O’Neill and Raffi Aftandelian are co-hosting an informal gathering over beer and war stories: In confluence with our friends to the east who will be opening space at the Toronto OSonOS, we are hosting a West Coast Canada Stammtisch on Saturday, April 28th for all of those who want to join us. We …