BUILDING LIVING NEIGHBORHOODS A website about generative code for communities, based on Chris Alexander’s Pattern Language Link from Thomas Arthur (tags: community design sustainability architecture urban Cohousing activism organzation)
Opening space today at the Vancouver Art Gallery, for the United Community Services Co-op and about 70 people from their membership. Lots of interesting conversations about the non-profit sector and a pregnant sense here about something wanting to be born…a network, a learning centre, a practice group. We shall see what emerges. A couple of things that I’m trying here include having people avoid handing in reports that are just bullet form lists (“bullets kill!”) and inviting graphical harvests. The client, playing on the idea of the art gallery location, provided everyone with an empty canvas to fill in, …
This is what is truly close to my heart. Spending an hour or two in the bushes picking salmonberries with my partner and kids. This is a big piece of what it means for me to touch down on earth, have my heart rest in its natural space, stewarding the land and the bodies of the ones I love the most.
Video: Wikis in Plain English | Common Craft – Social Design for the Web A simple introduction to wikis, this nicely captures the essential process of working on a collaborative document. (tags: collaboration howto learning reference wiki training video tools social tutorial Web2.0 wikis Technology) YouTube – Women In Art From my friend notio comes a beautiful video of the changing face of women in western art (tags: art history video women)