Work Together: 60+ Collaborative Tools for Groups A big list of tools for online collaboration (tags: collaboration tools reference)
Victoria, BC My early morning haunt, Cafe Macchiato on Broughton St. in downtown Victoria.
Citizens at the Centre Whitepaper on citizen engagement. (tags: democracy dialogue toread engagement consultation)
Presence is a very difficult thing to talk about and to explain. I think most of us know it when we see it, and perhaps recognize it when we feel it as well. This video of 14 year old Jennifer Lin playing piano at a TED conference embodies presence. Why do you think she is so able to project her confidence on stage? [tags]Jennifer Lin, presence[/tags]
From Neighbourhoods: Community noticeboards still perform a function in many places, providing just the right channel for some kinds of information for certain kinds of people. Here’s a nice example I picked up recently – plenty of variety with announcements of events, things to be sold, and services to offer.Yes I know, neighbourhood online systems provide this and more, but there’s still something enchanting about the scruffy visible publicness of this as a role for a local venue like a post office or newsagent. I think I’ve seen similar in launderettes and chemists, but not in pubs, which is curious; …