Tomorrow I am facilitating the Open Space portion of the “Live in Public:the Art of Engagement” gathering in Open Space. In addition to the event running in meatspace, there is a live site on which you can follow along and play. The site is the primary harvest point for all that is happening at the conference and is a great example of a real time harvest. See you there, either in person, or online!
Battle Creek, Michigan, USA I’m reading a marvellous little book called “Dispatches from the Global Village” by my friend Derek Evans. Derek is a remarkable individual, having most notable served two terms as the Deputy Secretary General of Amnesty International. He now lives in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia and is the spouse of my long time homeopath, Pat Deacon. What I really like about Derek is that he embodies a certain tempered optimism that the human species is capable of great things despite it also being capable of unimaginable acts. Derek has assembled a book out of a …
The National Capital Freenet in Ottawa was the host of my first email address. It’s most famous web page may well be the amazing wood s lot. Today, Mark Woods’ blog turned seven. Happy Birthday!
Back in March we ran an Art of Hosting for the Vancouver Island Aboriginal Transition Team and all of our comunity partners. At the conclusion of that Art of Hosting we held an Open Space. One of the topics that I posted was about the pattern of our work with community based on the experiences that people had had over the three days of training. I was interested in seeing if anything we did over three days with forty people in an Art of Hosting could scale up to larger levels in the system. I had …