From last year’s gathering at Rivendell here on Bowen Island, Finn Voldtofte on four good life practices: Stay in inquiry, or stay in the ambition to stay in inquiry Stretch beyond what you know Do what you do for the sake of the whole Speak what you see and feel and allow yourself to be corrected by the field As I reflect on the results of that gathering, including the committment I made to be in inquiry around conscious evolution, I realize that Finn’s words have deeply informed my approach to hosting, to leading from within the field. I was …
Photo by Vik Nanda Some things popping up and absorbing my attention this week. Mushrooms + human hair = oil spill cleanup Customizing big flying spaces. What will the future archeologists say? The economics and ecologics of such endeavours stagger me. Wow. Ashley dreams of flying,by putting all that space on the OUTSIDE. An old friend from Peterborough, Andy Quan, comes back on my radar with a new book of poems edited by another old friend, John Barton, with whom I was a associate editor of ARC magazine in the early 1990s. I love the web. Good media (page 1, …
Drawing by ritwkdey I have been thinking a lot the past few weeks about the living systems vs. the mechanical systems worldviews. It’s interesting that there is a clear distinction between these two kinds of systems – a system is alive or it isn’t, at least in this point in time – and yet the way we humans think our way through being in these systems seems to fall on a continuum. My conversation with Myriam Laberge here has pointed this out. I initially wrote a post that put facilitating up against hosting as two words to describe different ways …
Photo by paparutzi My contemporaries. Still missed. Still remembered. Geneviève Bergeron (b. 1968), civil engineering student. Hélène Colgan (b. 1966), mechanical engineering student. Nathalie Croteau (b. 1966), mechanical engineering student. Barbara Daigneault (b. 1967) mechanical engineering student. Anne-Marie Edward (b. 1968), chemical engineering student. Maud Haviernick (b. 1960), materials engineering student. Maryse Laganière (b. 1964), budget clerk in the École Polytechnique’s finance department. Maryse Leclair (b. 1966), materials engineering student. Anne-Marie Lemay (b. 1967), mechanical engineering student. Sonia Pelletier (b. 1961), mechanical engineering student. Michèle Richard (b. 1968), materials engineering student. Annie St-Arneault (b. 1966), mechanical engineering student. Annie Turcotte …
Gila River Nation, Arizona I’m here, being incredibly busy, working on the design team for the Food and Society 2008 conference for the WK Kellog Foundation. More about that soon. On the way down here I was listening to a podcast of an addres by our former Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson that was produced for CBC Ideas (and which you can download for yourself here – mp3 podcast no longer available). In it she talks about how aware people about the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. She tells the story of looking a room full of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people …