Joy Harjo: Our words do create our road, singly and collectively. The manner in which we travel is determined by our attitude, by the attitude carried in our words. And another line from that little essay: “we are all the same size, spiritually.” [tags]joy harjo[/tags]
I sat down this morning with my little pot of Dilmah tea to read friends’ blogs. This beats curling up with the Sunday New York Times or some other largely useless aggregation of pulp fibre. Much better to get the news of the day from those who are working on things and who need help or have discovered useful insights for the rest of us. And so, sitting before the woodstove with a pot of tea and a laptop is a lovely way to begin a Sunday morning. And this morning my friend Jon Husband sends me in a couple …
Putting a bokmark here for the idea of social objects, which has much to do with some of the thinking we are doing on harvesting these days. Social objects are, if I understand them correctly, exactly the kind of powerful collective harvest that we can help co-create with a well designed conference, or other social initiative. More to come…and thanks to John Dumbrille for turning me on the idea while he stood next to me at a Hallowe’en disco party last night dressed like a Kitsilano steroid monkey.
Photo by Khalid Almasoud A note on some very interesting recent psychiatric research that shows that decision-making has much to do with finding an inner equilibrium: Martin Paulus, M.D., professor in UCSD’s Department of Psychiatry, has compiled a body of growing evidence that human decision-making is inextricably linked to an individuals’ need to maintain a homeostatic balance. “This is a state of dynamic equilibrium, much like controlling body temperature,” said Paulus. “How humans select a particular course of action may be in response to raising or lowering that ‘set point’ back to their individual comfort zone. In people with psychiatric …
Chicago, Illinois It comes off almost as a sigh. Chicago-O’Hare is well known for being a finicky place to make connections, due to weather or traffic. I’ve mostly had good luck coming through here, with only one weather delay. Today though I have enjoyed the hospitality of the C concourse for most of the day, compliments of a United flight to Vancouver that was cancelled at 9:00. I’m now awaiting the call for the 3:25 flight home. So what does the C concourse have to offer the stranded traveller? There are Starbucks outlets, but they …