Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission launches today (hooray that my friend Jane Morley was named as one of the commissioners last week!) and I’m here at Queen’s University in Kingston to run an Open Space as part of a conference of academics, policy makers and public servants from First Nations and non-Aboriginal governments and institutions on the topic. In Canada, the process that is being embarked upon today is spurred by the residential school experience. The main brief of the TRC will be to write the history of that 150 year period in Canadian history when residential school did huge …
So it’s been more than thirty days that I have been on my 30 day learning journey, but here is a harvest from some significant conversations. Consider this the tender early sproing greens. There is more to follow. I began this learning journey leaning into thinking about what role I can play in taking change to scale. My reasons for this inquiry have to do with the fact that I am increasingly working with systems, beyond organizations and beyond groups. Also, some of us in the Art of Hosting community and the Berkana Institute are deep in this inquiry as …
Just coming to the end of a ten day trek in New York City, working with some great folks, seeing the sights, taking in a few plays and generally enjoying time with fmaily and friends. Back soon.
So my faithful reader(s)…on a small blog hiatus because frankly I’ve been busier than ever and somehow unable to write about it all. STarting tomorrow, for the next six weeks, I’m in New York, Kingston, Ont., Calgary, Campbell River and Halifax. I have about five days at home between now and the end of June. The good news is that my 30 day learning project has come to an end, with some really cool learning, which I’ll write about, and my garden is blooming nicely which means that the few days I’ve been at home have been spent …
On my way home now from Phoenix, from a gathering that was remarkable on many levels. It will continue to resonate for months and years to come. Truly, it was a lifetime kind of experience. One small note: in the shuttle on the way to the airport a few of us were talking about what will happen when the world truly starts to unshrink. When airline travel becomes prohibitive and fuel costs make transporting goods too expensive, the world will begin to unshrink, find its real size again. And in that moment, I had a strong image of the world …