Going through my email this evening I find that my daughter, sitting in her room three meters away, has sent me this website: The Case Against Time-out – The Natural Child Project. Now we don’t do time outs at our house and my daughter has informed me that she sent this along because it talkas about things we agree with. But aside from that, I’m just laughing. Imagine receiving this from an 11 year old who wants you to feel like your parenting choices are valid. I have great kids.
If you have upgraded to WordPress 2.6 and your categories are hosed, have a look at this fix, which worked for me. It takes a bit of time, depending on hyour number of categories, and you need to mess around in the database, but it’s fairly straigtforward. Thanks for the post David!
My friend Eric Lillius perodically sends me cool bits and pieces. I hadn’t seen this yet though: The Web 2.0 Conversation Prisim. More at PR 2.0.
In a post on reviewing academic articles, I was really struck by the way academics deal with surprises. Yes, I regularly check (some) references. If the author of a (history) paper I am refereeing makes a surprising claim – e.g., something that if true I might reasonably be expected to have encountered before, not just something I know FA about – I almost instinctively check to see what his/her source is, and if it’s something I have readily to hand, may actually go to the text to see if it supports what the author concluded. Usually it does, and I’ve …
The Next Starbucks is an article in Architect Magazine that has several architects envision the coffee shp of the future. There are some interesting designs here, but my favourite has to be the last one, in which the designers think first about the social nature of the coffee shop and come up with some old patterns for community use: Merging the concept of the flexible, shared workspace with that of communal dining creates a new “third place,” a community kitchen. Anchored by a 60-foot-long wooden harvest table, a kit of parts serving different functions can be freely arranged wherever the …