Last year I was invited to give a talk on the shapes of community engagement for a conference sponsored by the BC Treaty Commission called Forging Linkages and Finding Solutions. This is the slide deck I used and here is a transcript of my talk.
Back from Maui and here are the things that you need to know about that amazing island. This was our fourth trip there and we’re very much in the flow of Maui as an almost second home. If there was a theme to this trip it was LOCAL. We stayed close to our living quarters for the most part, ate local food, consumed local media and tapped in to local issues. When we are in Maui we rent a little condo at a place called Hale Kamaole, which is an older condo complex in Kihei on the sunny …
Stuff people threw my way: Brad Ovenell Carter has been using Webspiration. It works for me in Chrome but not Firefox… Mark Brady on when times will get good again. Dervala Hanley, whose taste I trust absolutely, posts her favourite books and music from last year. My own Bowen Island Journal has a new home See you all in a couple of weeks.
I’m closing up shop, unplugging and dropping out for two weeks and going on holiday, and I don’t have time to work through this problem, but can anyone speculate about why my wesite shows up as a smiley face in Explorer but works fine in Firefox and Chrome? See you on after the 24th
Today in our planning for the 2009 Food and Society gathering, one of our young core team members made a bold declaration. She agreed to step up to be a target for any blame that might be generated during our work. When I later asked her out of which practice her commitment came, she said it was from the Tibetan Buddhist Lojong mind training, in which one of the slogans is “Drive all blames into one.” Trungpa Rinpoche comments on that slogan: The text says “drive all blames into one”. the reason you have to do that is …