Juicy: Jack Martin Leith on the generations of innovation Dan Oestrich on reflective leadership in lean times Dave Pollard on Christopher Allen’s musings on group size Geoff Brown works through Everything’s an Offer Crooked Timber on power and deliberation Common Ground explains why some contracts honoured and others are not.
The National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation is working on a project to set a number of principles for public engagement. Here are the seven they have identified so far: The Seven Core Principles 1. Preparation – Consciously plan, design, convene and arrange the engagement to serve its purpose and people. 2. Inclusion – Incorporate multiple voices and ideas to lay the groundwork for quality outcomes and democratic legitimacy. 3. Collaboration – Support organizers, participants, and those engaged in follow-up to work well together for the common good. 4. Learning – Help participants listen, explore and learn without predetermined …
Hello Webby world…I have a request, especially of you systems thinkers out there. I’m working on a project with a network of Native public radio stations in the United States to assess the unique impacts that these stations make in their communities. One of the things we would like to do with the stations is to provide them with tools to work with the feedback they get from the community and identify key things that make sense to work on. I’m thinking that some systems thinking tools would be a useful contribution to the work here, and I’m looking …
Links that made me think this week. Holger Nauheimer release the newest version of the Change Management Toolbook Peter Rawsthorne blogs a great BBC documentary on what a post-fossil fuel farm might look like Siona van Dijk finds Paul Hawken naming the people I play with. Jean Sebastien Bouchard turns me on to art.
In Thunder Bay on the Fort William reserve there is a distinct volcanic remanant called Mount McKay in English but Animikii-wajiw in Anishnaabemowin. Animikii-wajiw means “thunder mountain” so named because a thunderbird once landed there, ampong other things. My mood has changed markedly after the work we did today working with Ojibway leaders and Elders from around the north shore of Lake Superior and parts further north and west of here on traditional governance and the assertion of Aboriginal rights and title. This is timely stuff given the historic proposed legislation that will be coming before the …