Really interesting gig this week. Steven Wright and I are working together here in Vancouver at an international conference on restorative practices, the kinds of things that people do to bring relationship and community to the justice, education and community systems that more often than not drive us apart. There are some real heros here and leaders in the field including Howard Zehr, one of the founders of the restorative justice movement, and many leading practitioners from around the world. The conference itself is a pretty standard set up with plenary discussions dotting a schedule of concurrent sessions. …
Inspired by spending a bit of time with Keith Webb this past week at ALIA West, I’ve been looking deeply at the patterns of the natural world for teachings and illumination on questions that I’m working with. Wlakiong through a forest with Keith is a revelation, as Susan Szpakowski points out in this blog post from ALIA West. He helps you to see patterns that are instantly recognizable but which you may never have noticed before, even for someone who knows his way around the woods a little. This week, along with Tennson Woolf and Esther Matte, I’m running …
Well, among other places, hosting and teaching at ALIA West this past week, and on my way to Cornwall Ontario this week to work with Tenneson Woolf and Esther Matte and a team at the Canadian Labour Congress as we explore the Art of Hosting Conversations with folks from many different unions. In transit I have stumbled on some great links this week, so here’s what I am reading: Dave Snowdon has an important post on measuring impact rather than outcomes. Drawball is worth a look for the way it takes chaos to community with art. Myriam Laberge on helpful …
Back to a regular diet of RSS goodness: Rob Paterson posts a great find on love and optimism
Facts from the longest business trip of my life Number of days on the road this trip: 20 Number of seperate projects worked on: 5 Total number of people hosted: 835 Customs officials spoken to: 4 Number of those officials who wished me a good flight: 1 Number who welcomed me to their country: 3 Number who have said “Welcome back to the United States, sir” to me in the past ten years: 0 Number who did on Sunday: 2 Aircraft flown on: 12 Airports landed at: 8 Number of these I visited on more than one separate occasion: 3 …