A long flight necessitated by a late date travel change, had my flying through Chicago yesterday, getting a quick connection and beating my bags to Minneapolis. MPL is the second nicest airport in North America after Vancouver. Lovely layout, good food options and easy to get around. Also friendly United ground crew who got my bag to me with no problems. I’m staying downtown, reached easily by the LRT from the airport. Downtown cores never give you the pure sense of a place, but I’ll be here a week, moving over to St. Paul tomorrow for a couple of nights …
Morsels on inspiration and thought: Ashley Cooper on Chris Jordan’s trip to Midway to document the catastrophic results of our plastic world. Dave Pollard articluates a framework for personal action. Phaedra Eliis-Lamkins on Van Jones, green jobs and the meaning of the moment: “Our team doesn’t feel fierce enough to be a team.” (link via Dave Pollard) Keith Loutit produces a stunningly cool film about a coast guard helicopter rescue exercise using time lapse and tiltshift. Has to be seen to be believed.
Listening to a nice talk by Gil Fronsdel tonight on intention. THis is intention from a Buddhist perspective, not from a new age perspective. the difference for me is that the former is intention that informs action, the later is a passive state that somehow manifests things. I practice the former. From his talk, a couple of useful observations… First, many people when they are asked to state their intention actually come up withe a negative intention: “To not repeat the mistakes of my parents, to be alone, to leave my job.” Such intentions are valid by don’t lead to …
Adopting change as the point of working together. When so many efforts seemed aimed at preserving the status quo and mitigating the results of things that change and are not the same as before, what would happen if we adopted change as the point of things? Jack Ricchiuto on working with a group using this principle: As usual they are amazed at the pragmatism, efficiency, and wisdom of treating change as a tool of project success rather than a risk, liability, and cost. When change becomes key to how we design future projects, we work with an infinitely greater sense …
Steamed and ready to eat: Dave Pollard publishes a valuable personal redux of Joanna Macy’s work. Holger Nauheimer on whether people resist change. George Por on connecting our conversations Jaime Casico on how collective intellegence makes us smarter Sustaining powerful collective conversations – a discussion at The Presencing Institute