A story of an improvisor with exacting standards: My father, seventy-eight, is a methodical man. For thirty-nine years, he has had the same job, cataloguing books for a university library. He drinks two glasses of water first thing in the morning, walks for an hour every day, and devotes almost as much time, before bed, to flossing his teeth. “Winging it” is not a term that comes to mind in describing my father. When he’s driving to new places, he does not enjoy getting lost. In the kitchen, too, he walks a deliberate line, counting out the raisins that go …
From How We Drive, the Blog of Tom Vanderbilt’s Traffic: I was intrigued by this line from a new paper by John N. Ivan, Norman W. Garrick, and Gilbert Hanson titled “Designing Roads That Guide Drivers to Choose Safer Speeds”: The aesthetics or “beauty” of a road environment has also been investigated in relation to traffic safety. Drottenborg (1999) studied the impact of speed on streets that appear as “beautiful” due to the blossoming of cherry trees along the streets in Lund during springtime, and similar streets that lack such beautification. She found that the free-flow mean speed decreased by …
I’m off to Estonia on Saturday to run an Art of Hosting workshop with Toke Moeller and Piret Jeedas. To say I’m excited is an understatement. First, this is only the second trip to Europe I have made since I left the UK in 1981 after living there for three years. It’s interesting to see how things have changed in Europe over 30 years. On this trip I am intending to connect in London, during a brief stopover at Heathrow, with one of my school buddies from those days, who I last saw when I was just 13 years old. …
From Alex Kjerulf’s Friday Spoing. Behaviour change at it’s best!
Here a ning, there a ning. This week, a post about all the ning sites I belong to: Open Space World. World Cafe Community Presencing Institute Applied Improvisation Network Bowen Island Ourselves (our local citizenship ning) Authentic Leadership in Action Institute These are just the major and most active ones. Interesting to see how ning has tipped and how fluent people are becoming with it. Reminds me of wikis. I understand the issues with closed source code and one company controlling all of these sites, but ning certainly has cracked a useful, focused, social networking tool.