Lovely weekend of community festival and celebrating family. Now paying for it with a head cold and a veggie garden worked over by deer. # A long night of heavy rain and cool breezes. The land is quenched. Salmon can taste their home streams. #
This amazing video is significant on a couple of fronts. First it shows how much other stuff we share our solar system with. Second it is a lovely visualization of seeing, learning and becoming aware. It is the sum total of what humans know about asteroids in our solar system, and like all good learning it gets better over time as we perfect patterns and then ways of seeing and understanding. And like all good learning, it takes and becomes memory, knowledge and then part of our everyday experience. Over 30 years of constant and repeated practice with constant improvement …
Pouring rain in Toronto this early morning. Was really heavy last night. Up at sparrow fart today to head all the way to Anchorage. # Travel blows my mind: from a humid rainy early morning in Toronto to a calm afternoon by the glassy waters of Cook Inlet, Alaska. # Layers upon layers of stillness. The smooth grey of Cook Inlet beneath the smooth grey blanket of morning cloud. # Art of Hosting on Bowen Island, BC, Canada Oct 3-6, 2010. Join us and pass on the invite…you don't want to miss it! # Stunning moonset this morning. Pink …
Chimamanda Adichie explains in a beautiful talk about how we construct single stories about people and cultures. This happens all the time with indigenous communities. People often hear one native person say something and attribute that quote or idea to a whole culture or even worse, to “Native Americans.” Adichie goes deeply into how the flattening of stories results in power shifts that lead to marginalization. Spend the time watching…