A raven gifted me a teaching this morning: stay awake in the present and sing to what is before you and what is behind you. # What makes my heart sing # Thin silver light of a cold morning snow flurry on the coast The air is still and sharp on the skin. # Just lost power again. Will upload a film about this windstorm shortly. # Storm force winds now blowing down Howe Sound. Lots of trees down and power out. No snow here though. # Carnellian rich sunrise the morning after the storm. The air is …
Last Friday night, beneath the lights on the Bowen island football pitch, my co-ed soccer league team won our Cup Final 5-0. We played the best team in the league for the Cup and although were prepared for a tight game. we were rather stunned with the result. What happened far exceeded our expectations of what was possible. We played unbelieveably well. Football (I use the global term for “soccer” here) is a team game that is much like other team games in life. It features constrained action, bounded and with a purpose. It requires different people to perform different …
Johnnie Moore had an interesting thought this morning: Jeff Jarvis talks about the Gutenberg Parenthesis. Those who bemoan the supposed short attention spans of the networked generation, typically measure this by the capacity or willingness to read a book cover-to-cover. This assumes that reading books is normal; but what about the vast span of human history before books? Perhaps we’re seeing a reversion to ways of knowing that were diminished by the printed word… to a more oral culture in which remixing is natural. This reminds me of the book, The Alphabet and the Goddess which also suggests that reading …
One of the things I love about my mate Geoff Brown who lives in the lovely Airey’s Inlet, Australia, is his incredible willingness to be playful and creative in his facilitation work and especially in his harvesting work. He is one of the few that gets how important the harvest is – at least as important as the hosting. In this great post, Geoff shares his recent experience with Open Space and with a fantastic harvest that captures that creative brilliance of the group he was working with: The day after Open Space