This afternoon sitting in the forest above my house in the warm sun. Insects are everywhere, flies landing on me to say hello, the moss and rocks on the cliff warm and dry. I am sitting with a mug of tea made from the first tender leaves of the season’s lemon balm. Listening to silence punctuated by a squirrel chattering in a rhythmic patterns of sevens “cheap a cheap cheap, cheap a cheap”. He is consistent enough that I can drum softly on the moss beside me in time with his voice and sing a little song about belonging. Making …
Rainbow over the Strait of Georgia # Happy "change the clocks for no reason whatsoever" day, spring version. People from sane places must think this is a massive practical joke. # Early morning gales gusting 50 clicks with driving rain and moaning trees. # “@naomidenbesten: "Principles and practices are much more useful than rules & tools"” <– in complexity, 2 b clear. Tx! # Blueprint for life: hip hop for the Arctic… # nice collection of links on #communityengagement # Another night of gales and rain as a crumbling hurricane comes ashore. # John Baker wins …
This is state representative Cory Mason in Wisconsin fiercely and gently outlining what has gone wrong in that state and standing up for the rights of citizens, workers and the media against the tyranny of Gov. Walker’s plans. What is going on in Wisconsin is big and important. Have a listen and see what you can learn.
Beautiful springy morning on the coast. Heading to Ottawa for the week. # How You Can Become a Commoner | On the Commons # Another beautiful winter day in Ottawa. Getting ready to #openspace on Aboriginal inclusion in the forest products sector. # Good morning. Big day for Tottenham. Do something #arsenalfc couldn't! Come On You Spurs!!!! #coys # Blizzarding in Ottawa. It's true: hell does freeze over. # “@jamesglave: Elle, at citizenship ceremony in Vancouver: "am canuck" #crushedtohavemissedit € <– she'll make a great hoser James! # “This is the most common complaint about PowerPoint. Instead of human …
Some observations from recently harvesting for a group. The harvest artifact above is a sketch I did on a flipchart in the middle of a group last week who were debriefing conversations they were having about power. In the course of a 40 minute conversation, the group raised a number of types of power they perceived, based on stories they were telling and insights that were coming up. I was reflecting afterwards with my colleague Ginny Belden-Charles on types of typologies. There are two kinds of categorization we were exploring and it is important not to confuse them, but to …