Pema Chodron: When we talk about hopelessness and death, we’re talking about facing facts. No escapism. Giving up hope is encouragement to stick with yourself, not to run away, to return to the bare bones, no matter whats going on. If we totally experience hopelessness, giving up all hope of alternatives to the present moment, we can have a joyful relationship with our lives, an honest, direct relationship that no longer ignores the reality of impermanence and death.
Bob Stilger on “decision happening” rather than “decision making:” I’d add to what John has written by introducing the concept of “decision happening” rather than “decision making.” It is a term I coined a decade ago and am reminded of from time to time. Decision happening uses collective discernment to discover the decision that is happening before our very eyes. It has a very different energy than “decision making.” There is a curiosity. It has an openness and a sense of inquiry rather than a driving quickly towards a given decision. It invites the participation of spirit, non-material beings, the …
Our 2010 annual report from The Berkana Institute is now out: #Berkana # At 10:21pm ET the Toronto airport erupts in cheers. Canada loves it's hockey and Canada's rioting for the Canucks. # A quiet and still morning under a blanket of sea fog greets my return home from Virginia. # Round Bowen race #
The 2010 annual report for the Berkana Institute is out. In it you can get a snapshot of the work that is happening within our network, including the Art of Hosting offerings that we undertake in North America and the learning and illuminating of work happening all over the globe.
Two dear friends, Ashley Cooper and Juanita Brown, are up to some world-changing mischief together in the mountains of North Carolina. They are going deep into hosting intergenerational conversations. Here’s why, from Juanita: I have always been fascinated by large-scale systems change and what might enable whole societies to shift into more life-affirming patterns. Over the years I had the great good fortune to have older corporate and community leaders take me under their professional and personal wings as I engaged with this work. I began to think abut the challenges we face at every level of system today. I …