Sweet start today at #alia2011 ceremony and play and preparing for a field trip tomorrow to ancient earthworks for solos. # My #alia2011 is over. Sweet goodbyes to all for another year. Swift travels and deep gratitude! # Home and awake to chilly sea air, blooming foxgloves and hummingbirds in the honeysuckle. The next rhythm in the year begins. # Global Warming Effects – Global Warming Climate Hot Map http://www.climatehotmap.org/ # Breakfast http://post.ly/2Jox3 #
RT @WhitecapsFC: Reason to cheer://t.co/FJuH7hS. I love the way our players thank us for the support. Such a sweet connection! # I love waking up to the sight of ravens airdancing. # Sea fog hanging in the Sound. The towhees are filling the forest with their pre-solstice buzzing. Spring in it's fullness. # On my way to Columbus for #ALIA2011 Yesterday was balancing rocks in Strathcona Park. Small small world right now. # Missed connection due to mechanical failure. Chilling in Toronto with my brothers fam. Off early in the am. #
Heading to Columbus Ohio today to teach at the 2011 Authentic Leadership in Action Institute with my friends Pawa Haiyupis and Tim Merry. We’re teaching a module on indigenous wisdom, ancient wisdom, universal wisdom. It’s new for me to be doing this, kind of a chance to sum up my last 20 years of learning, living and growing as a human being. I’m nervous and mindful of elder Herb Joe’s name for us: “poor weak human beings.” I always feel humble coming to ALIA and this year I feel maybe more humble than ever. Our module is fully subscribed and …
A slight chill on the breeze has everything a little less languid today. Bird song is faster, the blood flows quicker. # http://yfrog.com/kem35zj my son and I representing #WhitecapsFC on the kindness flag project on Georgia St. Support with song not violence! # #WhitecapsFC win. Day out with my son cheering. Late night water taxi home. Best. Fathers Day. Ever. (and a day early to boot!) # #WhitecapsFC Break winless streaks, not streaky windows. Whitecaps!!!! #