“Do you remember what Darwin says about music? He claims that the power of producing and appreciating it existed among the human race long before the power of speech was arrived at. Perhaps that is why we are so subtly influenced by it. There are vague memories in our souls of those misty centuries when the world was in its childhood.” — Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet
Sweet start today at #alia2011 ceremony and play and preparing for a field trip tomorrow to ancient earthworks for solos. # My #alia2011 is over. Sweet goodbyes to all for another year. Swift travels and deep gratitude! # Home and awake to chilly sea air, blooming foxgloves and hummingbirds in the honeysuckle. The next rhythm in the year begins. # Global Warming Effects – Global Warming Climate Hot Map http://www.climatehotmap.org/ # Breakfast http://post.ly/2Jox3 #
A brilliant video from Phil Culhane with a simple description of the differences between communication, consultation and collaboration from the perspective of accountabilities.
RT @WhitecapsFC: Reason to cheer://t.co/FJuH7hS. I love the way our players thank us for the support. Such a sweet connection! # I love waking up to the sight of ravens airdancing. # Sea fog hanging in the Sound. The towhees are filling the forest with their pre-solstice buzzing. Spring in it's fullness. # On my way to Columbus for #ALIA2011 Yesterday was balancing rocks in Strathcona Park. Small small world right now. # Missed connection due to mechanical failure. Chilling in Toronto with my brothers fam. Off early in the am. #
Heading to Columbus Ohio today to teach at the 2011 Authentic Leadership in Action Institute with my friends Pawa Haiyupis and Tim Merry. We’re teaching a module on indigenous wisdom, ancient wisdom, universal wisdom. It’s new for me to be doing this, kind of a chance to sum up my last 20 years of learning, living and growing as a human being. I’m nervous and mindful of elder Herb Joe’s name for us: “poor weak human beings.” I always feel humble coming to ALIA and this year I feel maybe more humble than ever. Our module is fully subscribed and …