Just dipping into Google+ a little more today. I’ve set up a few circles of friends, family and various professional and local communities of practice. Today I went a step further and set up a circle of “conspirators.” I intend to use this circle for posting process and facilitation design questions for clients and challenges I am currently working with and I invite you to do the same. One of the ways the social web has changed my business practice is that I rarely design projects without checking in with friends first. Usually I do this based on who is …
On the train to Seattle to drop my daughter off for Power of Hope camp and spend the night in town with Finn, father/son style. # Who has some good improv games to explore oppression and status in a social justice workshop? # 900pm on the train http://ow.ly/i/edam beside Puget Sound, rushing north to Vancouver. Seals and eagles and ravens o my! # Welcome Mustapha Jarju to #whitecapsfc 24 year old attacking midfielder. Fills a gap and builds for the future! # Rain. Long, slow, deep, cool, wintry rain. # Anyone up to join me at Camden Yards in Baltimore …
Just out from an Art of Hosting practitioner. The guide is a free download: The Lotus – A Practice Guide for Authentic Leadership in Strategic Sustainable Development – presents nine personal leadership capacities that authentic leaders find essential in their work when facilitating large-scale, complex, transformational change in organisations and communities. Furthermore, it suggests practices (ranging from contemplative and spiritual to physical, engaging both head, heart and hands) that help in developing your personal leadership capacities via The Lotus | A Practice Guide for Authentic Leadership in Strategic Sustainable Development.
Branches cracking after an early morning downpour. The ravens are hoarse in their calls. The sun is burning off the fog. # When are we going to get serious? http://vivmcwaters.com.au/2011/07/04/when-are-we-going-to-get-serious/ # The wisdom of starting over: every small adjustment to the beginning determines how it will go. Get the start right, over and over again. # Wednesday or Thursday or Friday, my time.. # Anyone know what the #whitecapsfc plans for a soccer stadium are now? Grid iron lines on a soccer pitch make my eyes barf. # Is there other street food in Vancouver? I don't know because I …
Come an join Teresa Posakony, Tenneson Woolf, Caitlin Frost and me for an Art of Hosting learning retreat on our home island, Bowen Island, near Vancouver this October. Held at Rivendell, atop Cates Hill, this Art of Hosting will explore recent work and learning about self-organization, participatory leadership and community resiliency. We will explore a number of participatory facilitation methods, engage in personal reflective practice using The Work of Byron Katie and delve into models of systems change being developed through the Berkana Institute. For registration information, visit the Berkana website, and please consider joining us for a power …