Birth of a Bowen Island dynasty? # Summer evening down at The Pier at Snug Cove Ferry Terminal on #SoundCloud # Boats on Mannion Bay # If we knew the causes of the London riots, would that help stop the next ones? No. Society needs a better handle on complexity, not causes. # Trojan T-shirts trap German fans a left wing rock group in Germany plays a trick on right wing extremists. # “Recreational looting” in perspective via @zite. This is a good summary on what I have been saying about complexity. # That hasn't …
A basic diagram for hosting questions that create extraordinary conversations. In the life of organizations and communities there are times when questions arise that just can’t be dealt with in the regular course of events. This is often when those of us who are consulting facilitators are brought into an organization. We are often told that “we have reached a place where we need a facilitator to help.” Usually there is an obvious need or purpose stated right in the first few sentences of the phone call or the email. This is something that consultants like us have to bear …
I’ve been thinking on similar lines; it’s quite tempting to write stuff about faciliation to guide the “leader”… but maybe it would be more powerful to write for the participants. Steve, in fact, goes ahead and does this, suggesting 12 Acts of Courage to Change Meetings for Good. via Johnnie Moore’s Weblog: Facilitation for participants. Yes indeed Johnnie, and I see this as fundamental to the invitation process, so that participants know what they are getting into.
Hey #whitecapsfc FO. You have to help us get supporter culture in the stands! Capos in front of the grandstand? Ushers telling folks to sing # #whitecapsfc pleeeease! There is no way 28000 people should be that quiet. Song sheets in the programs, drum corps leading songs… # #whitecapsfc I don't care how cheesy it is, we have to kickstart support in the whole stadium if support is to survive the win-loss record. # #whitecapsfc front office needs to make going to a game a participatory event, not a voyeuristic peek at the @southsiders. I beg of you! # #whitecapsfc …
Returning a feature to Fridays: A neat article on religious athletic wear. How to build a canoe, how to undress a birch tree. A great TED talk: Geoffrey West on the mathematics of organization