A birth announcement that might interest you. I have been a small part of a project over the past couple of years (along with a few other Art of Hosting stalwarts) to help co-create a pattern language for group process. Over the years we have been working away at discerning, writing and publishing this pattern language. The idea is to capture a limited number of patterns that, if practiced in a group context, bring life to gatherings. After years of work, I think we really have something. The project has now resulted in it’s first product: a deck of cards …
Just coming off an Art of Hosting with friends Tenneson Woolf, Caitlin Frost and Teresa Posakony. Something Tenneson said on our last day as we were hunkering down to do some action planning, has stayed with me. He said something like “it is easy to create actions that go off in a million different directions, but much more sensible to create actions that come from a common centre. There is something about holding that common centre together invites trust so that we can release responsibility to action conveners and known they are initiating works that comes from our common shared …
An incredible trip to Ireland and England with my dad, and yesterday I have returned home. We were in The Burren in Co. Clare for an Art of Hosting and then my dad and I drove to Armagh to see the house his great grandfather was born in. Along the way we met some distant cousins, found the graves of our ancestors and drove through the landscape of our history. Afterwards we went to Engalnd and stayed with friends in Hertfordshire where we lived 30 years ago. Met up with some old school mates, saw Spurs play a dreadful draw …
Happy Solstice
A plant by the Marriot near the Tampa airport. A busy and packed trip to Baltimore and Tampa this week prevented much in the way of blogging, but there were several links of note that crossed my attention. A Metis blogger called “âpihtawikosisân” has been producing some incredible stuff on Attawapiskat and the decline of useful conversation in the public sphere. I have much more to say about this. Related to this, some youth at Rosebud have asserted their desire not to be a part of the poverty pornography industry, indulged in by network TV news. You need power to …