I have been mostly taking off the month of July, staying home, reconnecting with my kids and partner and spending a lot of time alone, reflecting and letting the lessons of the past year sink in. July is always a time of new practices emerging for me and this summer I have found myself on the water more. It has taken me 11 years of living on an island (and 18 years living on the coast) to finally make friends with the sea. I grew up on lakes, canoeing, rowing and swimming in fresh water where there are no currents, …
Very interesting little article from David Wilcox about the differences between social entrepreneurs and social innovators. Here is how he describes those differences, from a tactical perspective: 4 Differences Between Social Entrepreneurs & Social Innovators Here are four reasons why social entrepreneurs are significantly different than nonprofit social innovators: 1. Two Worlds Most foundations and many nonprofits came into existence through a significant donor or donation. The people who shepherd the outcomes for those donors must be attentive and accommodating. Quite simply, donors drive much of the nonprofit world’s activities. Most social entrepreneurs start with their very personal …
A light summer of digital production, but a few things are coming my way that have my attention. Today, it’s a chunk of an email from my friend Kathy Jourdain who is evolving into one of the premier Art of Hosting bloggers out there. We were in a group email conversation about safety and comfort and the hidden dynamics of groups, and Kathy’s reflection on the distinction between the unnamed and the unknown was this: The first is this difference between the unnamed and the not knowing. The difference is something I feel or sense and am not sure I …
A reposne I made today on the Art of Hosting list about the workshop we are leading this week: We’re in the middle of a leadership residential for 25 leaders in the community social services sector here in British Columbia and we are blending a strong Theory U flavour with AoH practice. This is the second and final residential, capping a 9 month learning journey which has involved two Art of Hosting gatherings and bi-weekly webinars. In this context, Theory U is helping give some shape and rigour to the art of learning about the systems we are in and …
If you run a lot of workshops or facilitate group work, you probably have times when you are inviting people to work in small groups for short periods of time. You might want people to reflect on a question for a couple of minutes, or work in small groups for a half an hour or even just take 30 seconds to write an insight. Some people like to time this stuff out, pull out a stop watch and count the seconds, but there is a 2 for 1 technique you can use that gets the job done and sneaks in …