Appreciative Inquiry and the four quadrants
Robyn Stratton-Berkessel posts about a great training she was a part of last week, while we were doing our OST practice workshop on Vancouver Island. And what is really cool is that she posted this diagram of the appreciative inquiry process, which is a lovely frame for doing anything really.
Naturally, this process maps nicely onto the map we use of the Open Space practices. Discovery requires Opening, Dreaming requires Inviting, Designing requires Holding and Destiny requires Grounding. And even within the positive topic choice, all of these practices come into play, as the design process that leads to an AI project, or an Open Space event demands that you use the same practices in planning as you do in execution.
When you are doing the work of conversation that is informed and connected to the heart, fractal integrity is critical because you can feel the dissonance when it’s not there.