The Earth and moon as seen from Mars
It has often been said that we are the universe gazing upon itself. We have made eyes and sent them to Mars, and beyond that. and we are able to hold the mirror a long way from our face and see a view of our planet that almost loses us in the blackness of the space between spaces.
This photo is not just a photo of Earth from Mars, it is also a photograph of a sunrise over the island on which I live, off the west coast of North America. As this photo was taken, on the morning of May 8 I was immersed in a conference call with people in Edmonton. The dawn chorus of robins and varied thrushes and woodpeckers and chickadees was alive outside my window. This is a photo of a typical Thuirsday morning in May on Earth.
What were you doing? Where were you as the sun rose on my home that morning? Which tiny pixel of blue did you occupy at that hour?
It was thought that atoms moved according to Newton’s laws,
and could be predicted
like the falling of apples in the autumn afternoon.
Atoms are huge
Vacuous atoms…
An Atom is as empty as the solar system.
— Ernesto Cardenal Cosmic Canticle, Cantiga 7: The Infinitesimal Calculation of the Apples
Image courtesy of NASA
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