After five years of blogging, alamut becomes an Ourobouros, and begins consuming itself again from the beginning:
“Five years have now passed (and four anniversaries where I’ve reflected on what this project means) and at this point I think I’ve recorded enough of my attention and identified enough of the themes that interest me to support a second round of inquiry. So here is my new plan: I propose, for the next five years, in addition to recording my current attention, to read and elaborate upon the entries of the last five years on a day by day basis.
If it’s worthwhile doing once it’s worthwhile doing again.
What’s the point of keeping a record if one doesn’t pay attention to it?”
Good question. Having read Paul Perry’s blog for a while I have no doubt that it should be an interesting answer. Happy anniversary, Paul.
By the way, if you aren’t familiar with alamut yet, check it out. Paul Perry is a fascinating character. On his site you will find an interview he did with NEXT! magazine, in which he says this:
“In general I find that ‘engaged’ artists, trying to play the conscience of society (concerned with human relations) or the conscience of the earth (concerned with the environment) produce propaganda rather than art. The trouble is that most ‘engaged’ artists get their information about the world from the media rather than from their own observations and we all know how the media love to spin the issues in order to capture our attention and entertain us. Thus ‘engaged’ artists tend to build their work on false assumptions obtained from the media. It ends up being nothing more than a carrier of someone else’s ‘false’ message.