This is a picture of me, puzzling something out. I’m about a third of the way through a 20-week Participatory Narrative Inquiry practicum with Cynthia Kurtz. We’ve been spending a lot of time talking about story, and story collection, because that is a really important aspect of generating the magic. As Cynthia said today “magic is amazing but all the folktales will tell you that it is always supposed to be hard.” Today she shared an old blog post on the work being “too hard” and it’s worth quoting in depth: Story work is hard. It is not clean or clear or …

Coming home from Victoria this morning on the ferry through teh southern Gulf Islands to Tsawassen. This is a lovely ferry ride, and since the first time I rode this route back in 1994 when I did this as a regular once a month trip to Victoria, I have loved the way the ferries wind ther way around the islands of the archepelago, and thread through Active Pass out into the Strait of Georgia. Active pass is a narrow, deep passage between Mayne and Galiano Islands, and depending on the tides, it can relatively calm and flat or churning and …

Some links to interesting things that came my way in the last few weeks. Most of these have been already posted on my Mastodon timeline.
Since 1947, and annually since 1960, the tribes of the west coast of Canada and southeast Alaska have sent basketball teams to Prince Rupert, BC, for the annual All-Native Basketball Tournament. It is a major cultural gathering of Coastal Nations and a celebration of community, culture, resilience and sport. All morning I’ve been watching the opening ceremonies broadcast on YouTube by CFNR. Have a watch. Guaranteed to make you smile. So much joy. And if you want to watch the games, CFNR is live streaming all the matches.

Reading: Psalm 119:1-8 Nan Merrell Version from Praying the Psalms. Blessed are those whose ways are blameless Who live with spiritual integrity Blessed are those who honour the Inner Being Who follow you with their whole heart Who enfold the world with love and walk on the peaceful path You have shown the way of Truth the way that leads to freedom O that I might ever reflect the Light Then I shall know inner peace as I surrender myself into your Hands I will praise You with a grateful heart as I lean on your great kindness As I …
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