A quick break from being unplugged to point you to my friend John Engle’s blog from Haiti. John is an Open Space colleague who I have known for nearly ten years now. He is in Haiti, where he lives with his family, assessing damage and needs for Haiti Partners, the NGO he works for. Here is his blog. Consider donating to his work.
Goodness: Links Heather Haley, friend and neighbour, extends a conversation some of us were having on west coast music. Nice stories about the west coast punk scene of the 1980s and later. Another friend and neighbour, John Dowler: a photography site with questions. From Common Dreams, 12 things from the last decade that could save us Metafilter post on the ironically inimitable Harry Dubin. Franke James draws Canada’s problems with greenhouse gases. (via facebook friend Amy Robinson) Audio Frozen Silence, a new age/ambient project from Finland’s Matti Paalanen. Piano and guitar music for winter mornings. Tim Hart singing the Ploughboy …
[Working today and yesterday with a group of indigenous political leaders on reducing Aboriginal child poverty in British Columbia. In a little strategy session today we were talking about the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, the fact that Canada has refused to ratify it, and how, with the world coming to play here next month during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, that this is a good opportunity to let the world know that a global agenda item remains unratified in this country. So here is is my letter to global visitors joining us for the Games…] A …