The “new road” from Nanaimo to Campbell River takes you high above the ocean, across the tops of the lowlands where the Vancouver Island range mountains slope down to the Strait of Georgia. It’s a long fast stretch of double highway, posted at 110 km/h and taking only an hour and a half, which is a full 30 minutes shorter than the more scenic, but interminably slow Ocean Route. What you gain in speed though, you lose in character, and other than a few stunning lookouts, the scenery is dominated by recovering clearcuts on the mountains all around. You miss …
I am heading out on a mammoth trip today. My itinerary looks like this:Monday – drive to Port MacNeil on northern Vancouver Island Tuesday – Facilitate community to community forum with North Island First Nations and local governments. When finished, drive back to Campbell River and jump on a plane. Fly to Vancouver, then Toronto then Ottawa. Wednesday – Facilitate workshop in Ottawa with the Canadian Union of Public Employees. Friday – Finish workshop and return to Vancouver Saturday – Facilitate one day Open Space for the Ministry of the Attorney-General Family Court Committee. Return home Saturday night. This …
Nice find from Kevin Harris who blogged the Republican’s digs at Barack Obama’s community organizing experience: George Pataki: ‘He was a community organizer. What in God’s name is a community organizer? I don’t even know if that’s a job.’ Then former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani delivered his own snickering hit job. ‘He worked as a community organizer. What? Maybe this is the first problem on the resumé,’ mocked Giuliani. A few minutes later, in her acceptance speech for the GOP vice presidential nomination, Sarah Palin declared, ‘I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except …
Recently Karen Sella posted a request to the OSLIST among other places for books that are about being human Today she posted the list. Here is your new life reading program! Playing and Reality, D. W. Winnicott Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment, D,W. Winnicott Sexual Personae: A History of the feminine from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson, Camille Paglia The World of Pooh, A.A. Milne The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Graham The Spell of the Sensuous, David Abrams The Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo, The Inner Journey Home: Soul’s Realization of the Unity of …
So it seems that we are having a federal election here in Canada. I’m a little interested in democracy and as I\ve had two phone calls today, I thought I might as well keep some notes here about my experience with the local candidates. Today John Weston’s comapaign called me. Weston is running for the Conservatives here in West Vancouver – Sunshine Coast – Sea to Sky Country. So I’ll admit upfront that I’m prejudiced here – I haven’t ever voted Conservative, and that isn’t likely to change in this election. I did however find the experience …