Lots of conversations back and forth and here is the latest iteration of the youth suicide prevention summit. I’ll be discussing this with the working group tomorrow and reflecting on further changes then. Word document: Summit design ideas
On the day after the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment is released I stumble across this quote in an intersting passion play about Terry Sciavo: “When you narrow down your epistemology and act on the premise ‘What interests me is me, or my organization, or my species,’ you chop off consideration of other loops [of the ecosystem]. You decide that you want to get rid of the by-products of human life and that Lake Erie will be a good place to put them. You forget that the eco-mental system called Lake Erie is part of your eco-mental system — and that if …
As a musician one of my favourite things about the web is the way we can trade music on it. I am a music junky and with the rise of file sharing technology, my ears have opened wide at what is out there. I’ve been toying around with Webjay for a while, which is a way of compiling playlists of music all of which, in my case, is offered free and legally by artists, record labels and others. I have two playlists in the “Little Projects” section to the left, one which is a small collection of Canadian songs and …
I was on a Skype call this morning with my friend Peggy Holman and we were noodling through the agenda for the summit I’m doing in May. Peggy and I are NOT linear conversationalists, and so whenever we talk we get into really delightful eddies and currents that do nothing to enhance our current productivity but which do make us better friends… At any rate, we got talking about how the emergent process we use, like Appreciative Inquiry and Open Space and so on work well because they are based on how we human beings actually relate to and work …
Everyday I troll a bunch of the blogs to the left and there is so much good stuff that I want to share and log here for later, that I’m just going to start publishing these excerpts, if you don’t mind. I realize that this may be a little redundant, republishing links and quotes without adding anything, but this stuff stands on it’s own, and besides, I might just come back to it at some point. So here you are with the latest batch: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Revolution: “The last class I took before I went out on …