Otto Scharmer: Presencing is the ability to act in such a way that the actions we perform originate in the coming-into-presence of the future. When acting on this level, we let go of our �small selves� and turn into vehicles for the coming-into-being of a deep evolutionary stream. How do we do this? By carrying out a certain inner work, an inner work that is related to a threefold reversal process: turning one�s thinking away from judging to exploring; the reversal of feeling away from emotional reaction to appreciation and seeing with the heart; and a reshaping of the will …
Phil Cubeta at Gifthub points to the Fetzer Institute “Projects in integral practice include mapping and gathering information about the spiritual practice movement in America; increasing public awareness of the broad range of practices available; supporting deeper levels of collaboration among individuals and organizations; and engaging in research and evaluation to understand the impact of integral practice on human transformation.” These guys are involved in funding an organization that has grabbed my attention recently, the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society.
Living in truth, emergence and giving I want to pick up on this idea that living in truth is about looking around you and doing what needs to be done. It sounds so simple because it is democracy at a human scale, and yet it can initiate profound shifts in a society because human societies, even within totalitarian systems, are emergent. When something sounds simple and yet seems to work in every case, it puts me in mind of Open Space Technology. My friend Harrison Owen, the man who created OST says that the essence of empowerment is figuring out …