Just spent a delightful afternoon with Rob Patterson and his wife Robin here on Bowen Island. Rob is from Prince Edward Island and is a friend of my old pal from Peterborough, Peter Rukavina.
We had a great afternoon wandering around Bowen and talking about a number of the subjects we have both been blogging recently, including a very cool conversation over lunch about transformation stories including Beowulf, the crucifixion story and the Ojibway creation story. We were struck by how many cultures use the image of water and a journey into water as a metaphor for the psychological journey towards transformation. It is striking how the image of fighting through a body of water, holding one’s breath and stopping yourself from drowning is so a propos to the work it takes to understand one’s truth in order to live one’s live with, as Robin put it “grace and ease.”
It’s always great to meet fellow webloggers face to face, and today was a real treat.