I’ve been asking around about the properties of circles. Mostly I’ve been querying the OSLIST community and there have been some fine responses. My query began with a quote from the “script” I use when I open space in OST meetings:
Also circles teach us that there are some things that can only be done by groups. For example, you will notice that this circle of chairs isn’t really a very good circle. It’s actually a strangely distorted ellipse. That is because for one person to set up a perfect circle of chairs on their own is a nearly impossible task. But I’ll show you a small miracle. I’ll stand in the centre here and ask all of you to stand by your chairs. Now square up so that you are facing me and when you’ve done that check to see that you are sitting slightly behind your two neighbours. Now sit down. Have a look around. You have just made a perfect circle. This is something only a group can do and it took only a few seconds. If I had had to do that it would have taken me hours. This is important to note. It’s as if we all carry the coordinates for calibrating a circle within us but they can only be activated by acting along with several others.
Finally, here’s one more thing about a circle. If I stand in the middle then you will all agree that you are looking at me. But none of you will agree that you have the same view of me. You can see me, but your perspective is absolutely unique. It is not shared by anyone else. We agree on the object of our observation but none of us share the same perspective. Remember that today as we work on these issues. Without each perspective we would not have a full picture. If you were all behind me then none of you could say with certainty that I had a face. By surrounding me we have the whole picture, but we have to ask one another about the pieces that we are missing. If you folks sitting behind me want to know how many fingers I’m holding up, you have to ask this person I’m facing. That’s how it is with problems too. Remember that today.
Today, Alex Kjerulf, showed up with an amazing quote from the Danish polymath Piet Hein who once famously said:
He was in the process of inventing the “super ellipse” which is a shape that mediates rectangular and circular tendencies.