If I disappear for a while, it’s because I have become completelyy immersed in this website, Research on Place and Space. Astounding, is perhaps the best word to use to describe it.
The purpose of this set of resources is to try to cross-pollinate the notion of place across disciplines. Philosophy, for example (my own discipline), has much to learn from the way that other disciplines conceive of place, even as those disciplines have drawn on the resources of philosophy in order to reflect on place. There is no real attempt at a definition here, except perhaps by extension.
As can be seen, this set of resources begins from the concept of place, rather than space. I have added some space resources as they seem significant, and will continue to do so, but that may take awhile. Thus, a section such as physics which deals much more with space than place is quite thin at the moment.”
No apologies necessary. It’ll be years before I even get to physics!