Here is a list, with vivid descriptions, of 35 canoe strokes. All your favourites are here, including the J-stroke, C-stroke, draw, pry and sweep. But included are a whole bunch of specialized strokes like the slice, the thumb-up rudder, sculling draw, the high and low brace and the Cross Stationary Bow Draw (also known as a Duffek). Each stroke comes with what amounts to a little three part poem about its execution, such as this one for the cross stationary bow draw:
Rotate to the offside
Feather blade across the bow
Plant blade, with leading edge away from hull
Shaft angle varies from about 45 degrees to
vertical with hands stacked,
depending on desired effect and
pressure on blade
Slice paddle out of the water to onside
Or slice forward and out and do bow draw
and cross forward stroke, this would
be called a Duffek Maneuver
Dervala mentioned in her comments that she has perfected her solo J-stroke. I can tell you that once you have mastered that, it’s a skill you never forget, like riding a bike.
Stepping into a sleek cedar strip canoe on a misty morning with glassy black water beneath me is the best heart medicine there is.